Jun 26, 2019 | Ag Data, Ag Data Coop, Agriculture, Nebraska, TPNRD, Water
When a trip is well thought out it usually ends well. It was just a couple of decades ago when everyone used a paper map to plan their travels. Google was not on anyone’s phone to view it all virtually, so most people did not do a lot of fact-checking. Having Good...
Sep 12, 2018 | Ag Data, Announcements
By: Billy Tiller CEO/Founder GISC In the Fall of 1983 I started my sophomore year at Texas Tech University, majoring in accounting. I saw my first computer and it was a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Rainbow 100. I did not know anything about DEC except that it...
Jul 28, 2018 | Ag Data, Agriculture
By: Billy Tiller Founder/CEO GISC I am borrowing this often-said phrase from others because it is true: “Ag is a small room, but I would not want to paint it.” I proceed with caution here, even though a part of me sometimes would like to hit “reset” and start over...